Wednesday 28 September 2011

Life Drawing 28/Sep/11

This morning was my first experience of Life Drawing. I found it rather difficult - especially the constraint of time. When told we were moving to one-minute sketches because '5 minutes is a luxury' I laughed to myself in mild despair... My first attempts were predictably awful:

28/September/11 - 5 minutes

28/September/11 - 5 minutes

As the time got quicker I found it harder, though I was interested in the idea that we were not supposed to draw a complete likeness of the model, but rather identify the 'essence of the pose' and find the weight and movement. I think in this 3 minute sketch I managed to get the perspective okay. 

28/September/11 - 3 minutes

Here, I basically lost it.

28/September/11 - 1 minute

I will continue to practice this week, and hope to improve.

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