Thursday 3 November 2011

Com/Vis - Initial Ideas

Over the first few weeks of studying, I have been introduced to many new techniques, practices and pieces of software.

Our Communication and Visualisation module encourages us to experiment outside of our comfort zone so I have taken this time to take in these new ideas and see what will be the best thing to pursue for my project.

In this time, we two new pieces of software have leapt out at me: Maya and After Effects, neither of which I have used before. Both of my first animations using these programmes can be seen in previous posts in this blog.

Additional new things I have learned have included, among others;

Storyboarding and Animatics - techniques which I have used in my Time Based Narrative project's pre-prodution. I have also found a piece of software called 'Storyboard Pro' which I have been practising with.

Sequencing and Editing in Premiere - though I have used this programme for some 5 years now in my work as a video editor so feel I know this very well.

TV Paint - Another very interesting-looking piece of software which I'm looking forward to playing with.

Google Sketch-Up pre-vis software.

My initial thoughts on my project are that I would like to take my 2D time-based narrative project and see what I can do to make this in 3D, possibly using Maya or After Effects. More thoughts to follow...

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