Thursday, 10 November 2011

Continuity Continued

Myself and Aliyah sorted out the continuity between our sections, though it started me thinking about an aspect of the story which didn't make much sense -- the main character is supposed to hide in a box which gets taken onstage, where he then gets flung about and thrown into a different vanishing box. But given the pacing of the video at the end will be very fast, I'm not sure there's enough time to make it obvious that these are two different boxes and I think it would be confusing for an audience. 

So, I thought it would be better to change this to him running into an elephant whilst backstage which picks him up and takes him on stage -- he was going to encounter an elephant straight after getting on stage anyway, but bringing this forward into the end of my section and replacing the box idea I think clears up some confusion.

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