Monday 16 January 2012

New Animation Technique Unit and First Tests

Hectic first week back after the Christmas break, and now we have our new unit outlined for us. We will be creating a bouncing ball with a tail and a bipedal walk cycle, in both 2D and 3D, and then a final project of the two coming together in on short piece.

The first project is the 2D bouncing ball - and to begin with we are doing it without a tail. I have done quick tests in ToonBoom, TV Paint, and Flash, including one where i animated on top of a photo, as I am a big fan of mixed-media animation, and am planning to make my final animation composited into live action footage.

I also did some token tests with a tail on the ball, purely to start to gauge how the tail should follow the path of the bounce. 

I'm trying to keep all these tests loose in style. I think the 3D animations will be the chance to be physically correct (in terms of volume and form etc) and the 2D project offers an opportunity to be more aesthetically creative, within the framework of the basic principals of animation of course.

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