Tuesday 4 October 2011

Further Visual References

I have been researching into references of style for this video; for the most part, this includes a combination of expressionist painting and sketchy illustrations. In my research I stumbled upon a modern abstract expressionist called Kazuya Akimoto, whose work very much makes me think of a manic high - bold, vivid, intense.

I think these are great frames of reference to work as backdrops, behind more traditional landscape images. The one in particular I think of is Van Gogh's Starry Night.

Although the colour palette especially has more of a depressive feeling to it, I love the heavy brush strokes, and again the vividness and lack of polish. Incidentally, the painting has been used before as 'evidence' that Van Gogh may have suffered from Bipolar Disorder himself.

Perhaps this could be combined with Akimoto's work as a more accurate imagining of my video:

To me, straight away, this says 'mania'.

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