Wednesday 5 October 2011

Group Work

Yesterday, Amber and Emily both pitched ideas revolving around a style of cut-out animation - which I am a big fan of. A strong inspiration of mine was the work of Terry Gilliam since I watched his animations for Monty Python when I was younger.

I was very keen to work on an animation with this style, and perhaps have the chance to take it further.

After a brief chat, we decided to mostly follow the theme of Amber's pitch - based around Philip Glass' score for 'The Illusionist' (a track called 'The Orange Tree') and set at a circus.

I think the circus setting has a lot of potential for visual interest - and a nice idea was to cut out pictures from old vintage circus advertising posters.

We discussed some narrative ideas but have not decided on anything solid, so I look forward to talking about this further with the group.

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